Tuesday, June 06, 2006

He'Brew--Who Knew?

Our Greek teacher, Katarina, is leaving us and heading back to Greece. Life is so unfair. So last night we had a going away party for her. A few of us headed out to get some refreshments at a classy carry-out nearby and that is when something earth shattering occurred--I found He'brew, The Chosen Beer. Messiah Bold. No, I am not making this up. Allow me to share a few quotes from the packaging--

*Messiah Bold--It's the beer you've been waiting for!

*Why is this beer different from all other beers? As commanded, we at HE'BREW Beer have been fruitful and multiplied our offerings. Tradition teaches that the Messiah's name is Shalom-Peace. With your first sip of this rich, dark, and delicious libation, we hope to offer a momentary taste of microbrewed bliss. If you feel the sudden urge to beat your swords into ploughshares (Isaiah 2:4) or to picnic with the lion and the lamb (Is. 11:6). . .Rejoice! Now, our award-winning brewers can't claim supernatural powers--simply a fanatical commitment to brewing world-class beers. A truly scrumptious mitzvah (good deed)! Through the new Millenium and beyond, may your cups runneth over with the blessings of great beer and great shtick. To the Future! To a Bold Life! L'Chaim!

Do not store fresh beer in saddle bags of white donkey.

It's all true folks. And it's pretty good beer. I think from now on this should be standard fare at all Melton Center gatherings. I bet a lot more people would show up for those extracurricular lectures.

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