Thursday, August 03, 2006

A New Form of Church

What if we totally changed the way a church looked.

What if church services were agreed upon times to...well...serve. Like instead of meeting in the same building every week singing a variety of the 20 songs that the worship team knows/likes (I can say that because I'm on one of my church's worship teams) the church met at a park where the homeless are known to hang out and they bring free food and actually eat with them and spend time getting to know them.

What if the next week the church service was on Saturday and they went to the home of an elderly widow and helped her clean her house, bring her food and spend time in fellowship with her.

What if instead of spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on building a new super huge, state of the art building, the church spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on helping people pay their mortgage, get out of debt, eat, get medicine, etc. Do you know how many goats the average church could buy for people in third world countries if they just got rid of their building funds? I don't either, but I bet it would be a lot. What if the amount of time and energy various churches spent on building campaigns was instead spent on feeding the poor campaigns?

Do you think you could get people to come to those churches? What if you said to your friend, "Come to my church our service this week is eating with the homeless at Goodale Park, and next week we're going down by the river and doing the same thing, the Saturday after that our church service is at Mrs. So and So's house. Her husband died last year and she needs some help done around the house, and some people are making her food..." I would like to go to that kind of church...

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