Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Game On!

Things that have come up since I went on hiatus:

  • Why are people amazed that there is a religious studies section at OSU that allows you to focus on the Bible. I recently got this question, "Can you do it without all that 'Liberal' stuff?" I answered, "Yeah, you can, but I'm a bit liberal myself, so we all get along." I told Jaime this and she came back with, "What do you mean by liberal?" Then it occured to me--What do they mean by liberal? That I disagree with them or that I disagree with the Bible? By liberal, do they mean that I focus on caring for the poor, needy and outcast of society at the expense of alleged personal righteousness? Like Jesus, right, who was called a drunkard and a sinner, because he kept such good company? If you mean liberal like that, then yeah I'm a liberal. That might smack too much of sarcasm...oh well. Why is liberal a bad word anyway?
  • How can Christians vote for the Democrats, don't they just want to do the job that the Church should be doing anyway? This question kinda' sat in my craw for awhile. I used to think that way, but just gave up on turning my back on the poor. I couldn't get the Church to do anything, but I felt like I at least had a voice in the government, that could vote and say, poverty is wrong and we need to take care of it. But thinking about this question, I realize that it's making a distinction that I don't make personally anymore, and maybe that's why it's so hard for me to answer. That is, isn't any endeavor taken up by Christians (a distinction that I'm not quick to make; cf my Good Samaritan post) in any arena, a church related endeavor? Or in another way, isn't anything that seeks to alleviate poverty following Jesus' way and thus a Christian endeavor regardless of the environment within which it occurs?
  • On a new blog I'm checking in on was a link to this test. This was to see how bad of a christian you really are (bad is good in this case). This is for some fundi-organization. I scored a 15, placing me in the socialist world view, and thus a bad christian! Yay! I knew I had it in me. *sniff*
  • I really like George Clinton and the P-funk all stars. I would like to say that my parents were all cool and introduced me to the Parliament Funk, but no, I wouldn't become aware of them until I saw the movie PCU...I need to see that movie again.
  • While looking for the clip of George Clinton in PCU, I found this instead:


Me said...

Ok, the threesome was so completely wrong but George Washington--hilarious!

Unknown said...

In no way would I endorse presidential threesomes...especially with Condi Rice.

Anonymous said...

I tried to take the test, but they make one jump through alot of hoops just to get to the test part, then I ran out of time to take it. I only got through half. But even just that, most of the questions seemed to be Republican/American specific and not about Christianity at all...how decieved the American conservs are...

Something I always say, "The best cure for ignorance is education" this certainly has been true in my life, and I hope I can learn to graciously educate the decieved, but what does one do with those who don't want to be educated? Ignorance is bliss, so 'they' say, but if that is true then more people should be happy...no?

Me said...

I am SO happy.