Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Spring Smack Down on the Oval

I forgot about one more sign of Spring at OSU. Elections for the Union of Student Government (i.e. glorified student council). The USG makes for fierce headlines in the school paper as mud is slung between opposing candidates...for student council president. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the USG accomplishes some big and important...stuff. I'm just not sure how and I fail to see that winning is so important as to justify yelling and accusing people of doing stupid things. It's college! Who doesn't do stupid things!?!

There is one good thing about all this campaigning. It's not the colorful and cute ways that the candidates use their names in chalk drawings on the sidewalks. It's not the trees being wasted on the thousands of fliers being passed out to every person who breathes and steps foot on the oval. It's not that it's windy and kinda chilly and almost raining and the campaigners are out on the oval in their color coordinated t-shirts freezing their butts off (though that is a close second). It's that today they had to share space on the oval with Brother Jed.

I don't know who was more annoying: Brother Jed yelling at me and everyone else (including the cold campaigners) that we're on the fast train to Hell, or the campaigners yelling back at him that he was ruining their campaigning. Both were actually equally amusing, and if it had been warmer I might've stuck around to see who won. My money was on the students, especially since I saw one of them on their cell phone (a tool of the devil, according to Brother Jed) to call the campus cops...I should've stayed for that one.


Bradford said...

Someone really should do a documentary short on the Oval in spring.

Unknown said...

I'll sell the idea to you for cheap!