Monday, April 03, 2006

It's Mandy"s Birthday

Yes, Yes, today is the Birthday of the youngest of us kids, Mandy. She was always the one reading or chatting with her friends even while the rest of us were fighting each other in Mario Kart or some such nonsense. One of the few people to have always been totally supportive of me and Jaime in our marriage and descisions. She's been a great sister to have around, even when she's not!

Other eulogies...uh, remembrances....I mean stories of our still living little sister you can go to Jaime's blog or Brad's blog. I'm really not good at this stuff so Mandy...


and I can't believe you're 20!! Mazel Tov!


Unknown said...

Mandy ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

Aww, thanks, I totally didn't see this post :-P

At least *one* of us is on top of things.