Friday, March 31, 2006

Signs of an OSU Spring

Yes, spring is in the air! The robins are singing, birds are making nests in the trees, the trees are budding and we actually had our first real day where it was too hot to wear my coat. But these are your normal everyday signs of spring. At Ohio State, we have a few extra signs of spring:

1) The half naked overly fit twenty-somethings running around the oval

2) The half crazed overly angry fundamentalists standing on the oval telling people they have AIDS and are going to Hell.

And yes, these signs of spring have already reared their ugly heads this year. Since I have to cross the oval several times this quarter, I'm sure that it will be the source of many amuzing anecdotes of sex and condemnation. I can't wait to share.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I don't know about signs of spring on the oval, but I am seriously going to shoot that robin that keeps singing outside our window at 5 am.