Friday, September 15, 2006

Bush's Brilliant Rhetoric

"It's unacceptable to think there's any kind of comparison between the behavior of the United States of America and the action of Islamic extremists who kill innocent women and children to achieve an objective,"

Because we kill innocent women and children in the name of God and our self interest and they kill innocent women and children in the name of Allah and their self interest. See the difference: God vs. Allah totally different dieties...


Unknown said...

What did we do to them before 9/11?

How about the following:

#1 Plundered the resources of the Arabian Peninsula.
#2 Dictated policy to the rulers of those countries.
#3 Supported abusive regimes and monarchies in the Middle East, thereby oppressing their people.
#4 Has military bases and installations upon the Arabian Peninsula, which violates the Muslim holy land, in order to threaten neighboring Muslim countries.
#5 Intended thereby to create disunion between Muslim states, thus weakening them as a political force.

I see your point about capitalism vs. God, but I would also say that most of our wars have been couched in religious rhetoric as well.

I love "non american speackers are bad" (sorry faith you speak Canadian).

Anonymous said...

All I can think to say is...what someone else has already said. (When in doubt: quote Bob Dylan!)

The reason for fighting
I never got straight
But I learned to accept it
Accept it with pride
For you don't count the dead
When God's on your side.