Friday, September 22, 2006

I'm Back!

Okay, being on campus without a job, means that I have no access to a computer. The other day, I visited 4 or 5 computer labs all of which were on hold for classes or had lines to use a computer. How horrible is that?

It doesn't help that they've officially closed down the library for a few years in order to remodel it, taking away all of its computers and not really replacing them anywhere. They've moved most of the books to a temporary place (read huge warehouse) about 2 miles off campus which is a bit inconvenient! As my experience today points out, it's not really ready to be used yet. I needed an article to translate for my German class, so I found one that the library was supposed to have, I road my bus to campus, took the new OSU bus to the library off campus only to find that the article was bust. It was there, but not really what I needed. No problem, right? I had three or four other possibilities, but I hadn't found their call numbers at home, because I thought that they would at least have computers there to access their catalogue....Nope! No catalogue, no desks to sit at to read/peruse/preview your books. A good 20% or so of the books weren't even on the shelves yet; they were still in the huge boxes they used to move everything. The only way I was able to find my new book, was to stop one of the guys shelving books and ask if he could find the call numbers. He kindly did and I was able to leave therewith my book, all good, but I can tell these next two years are gonna be a challenge with the library not right on campus...oh well.

Oh and yesterday our computer's power supply crapped out and I had to go to the store three times (because of my own foolishness, but annoying none the less) in order to get it fixed. And there's no real theme to this post except to possibly offer various excuses as to why I just spent a lot of money on a new laptop...bye!


Me said...

You deserve to spend money on a laptop after your super smart, fabulously frugal fixing of our desktop. LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad that I read your post, because I, too, would have thought that the library would have had some sort of catalogue (computer or otherwise) set up to find materials. So this post was a useful public service for me. Thanks!

P.S. Do you know when/where our 601 class meets now, and was there any assignment for the next meeting?