Tuesday, May 09, 2006

A Cheap Attempt at Hits

This is Aviv:

She's a friend of mine in the Hebrew department about to get her 15 minutes of fame. She's one of the stars of the new MTV show Fresh Meat Challenge. I'm one of those sick people trying to ride on her coattails. So let me say this again: Aviv on the New MTV show Fresh Meat Challenge.

The sad irony is that, not only do I not have cable, I don't even have a TV, so I will not be able to watch Aviv on MTV's Fresh Meat Challenge. I think she needs to have a weekly party so that we can watch her do her thing on the Fresh Meat Challenge. I do have to say Aviv, who is staring in MTV's Fresh Meat Challenge, is a pretty cool person, and I'm sure she did great. She's got Israeli military experience, a can-do attitude and is a wonderful person that everyone gets along with.

It's actually kinda' funny, one of the freshmen in the department is a reality tv show junkie and is just soaking up this whole TV Star thing. But Aviv, to her credit, really isn't acting all big headed, and she's holding on to her knowledge about the show, Fresh Meat Challenge, pretty darn tight. She's not saying a word, not a single word. . . .um......So, I guess that's it...if anyone can watch it, and give her your support, that would be cool!

I have no shame so I'm going to say it all again just to make sure my blog shows up prominently in the google search: Aviv, Fresh Meat Challenge, FreshMeat Challenge, Aviv, mtv, Real World / Road Rules Challenge : Fresh Meat, Australia, Aviv, Cast of Fresh Meat Challenge.

Yes, no shame at all.

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