Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Will you be left behind?

I offer for your horror the following article:

Mega-church minister linked to paramilitary video game

As far as I have been able to research, everything in this article is accurate. The company web site is here.

Let me just say a few things:

  1. I don't believe in the Rapture and find the escapist dispensationalist theology worthless
  2. My seven year old can write better than Tim Lahaye and Jerry Jenkins
  3. I'm a passivist because Jesus was one too
    1. Jesus was freakin' murdered you idiots! He didn't walk around with a freakin' sword stabbing the random people who disagreed with him, or the Roman soldiers who were trying to kill him! Are you so damned stupid you can't get that through your thick violent skulls !?!
  4. It's people like these that give Christianity a bad name...if there is a hell, I can almost guarantee that Lahaye and Jenkins will be there....without butter! (sorry Cold Comfort Farm reference, if you haven't seen it, do. The best scene is when Ian McClellan is preaching a hell fire and brimstone message. I repeated that scene about three times and am still laughing.)
  5. This is one of the many reasons that the Left Behind books are more dangerous to Christianity than the DaVinci Code.
  6. That's all I can think of now...


Unknown said...

Ooo, Ooo! If I get left behind will I get to shoot people from the U.N. too? If so, count me in!

Bradford said...

I don't know why the movie Left Behind didn't covert every single person that watched it. Who wants to be left behind when it means being stuck on earth with Kirk Cameron?

Unknown said...

Wait! Kirk Cameron? I changed my mind--beam me up.

Layman said...

This report was very inaccurate. The game does not have the player try to establish a theocracy or kill people who don't convert. In fact, you are penalized for killing people, even though Christian forces are fighting against the anti-Christ's army.

See more about the nature of the game, with quotes from secular reviewers who have actually played it:

Unknown said...

Layman, thank you for your input, but you cannot cite your own blog to prove your point.

Is the article very one sided? Yes. Is it very inaccurate? No.

I grant that it is not apart of the intention of the video game to kill people who don't convert. However, it is a possibility within the game to kill innocents, be docked and pray to revive your spirit points.

Regardless of the turn or die possibilities, I find it frightening that anyone can read the teachings of Jesus and see the life he lead and his earliest followers, all of whom chose death over self defense, and think that any form of killing in the name of God is acceptable. Many of the different reviews from gamers who played it, that I have read all mentioned the dialogue of "praise the Lord" when killing UN Troops.

To me, it is apalling that anything like this can be marketed as "Christian." Christ certainly taught that to turn the other cheek means that sometimes you could die for your belief, not kill for it.

Anonymous said...

Appalling, no. Laughable, absolutely. The whole situation sounds like satire, though true. As has often been said of modern evangelicals - you can't satirize them, because they themselves will out do you everytime.

For more on "What evangelicals believe (plus a master list of who is going to hell)" go to

Sorry I'm sad enough to not know how to make a link